
Today is here. I will begin with a smile and resolve to be agreeable. I will not criticize. I refuse to waste the valuable time God has given me.

Today has one thing in which I am equal with others – time. All of us draw the same salary in seconds, minutes and hours.

Today I will not waste time because the minutes I wasted yesterday are as a vanished thought.

Today I refuse to waste time worrying about what might happen. I am going to spend my time making things happen.

Today I am determined to study to improve myself, for tomorrow I may be needed, and I must not be found lacking.

Today I begin by doing, and not wasting my time. In one week I will be miles beyond the person I am today.

Today I will not imagine what I would do if things were different. I will make a success with what I have.

Today I will act toward other people as though this will be my last day on earth. I will not wait for tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes.


Spiritual Strength

To me, one of the most remarkable things about the physical body is how it reacts to adversity. If there is something physically lacking, or if there is some obstacle in the way, our bodies can be trained to overcome that obstacle. If I feel myself getting winded just by going up and down some stairs, I can essentially train my body, with proper nutrition and exercise, to increase my conditioning. I can get faster, stronger, increase my energy, increase my endurance, and increase my overall health simply by putting my body through a little adversity. Continue reading “Spiritual Strength”

“Is it not ironic that every man in the whole world pays tribute every day to the existence of Jesus Christ and His supremacy among men by the very acknowledgment of the date we live by! Except by the power of God, how could it be that the One who claimed so much, and was hated so passionately for His claims that He was crucified two thousand years ago, has today conquered the world to the point that everything we do is dated from His birth?” – Betty B Choate

Speaking What We Don’t Understand

I cannot count the times where I’ve heard people speaking on things that God did not make known to them. This often happens on the subject of pain, suffering, and evilness found in this world. “Why did God allow this to happen?” “How can God allow good families to suffer?” “How can God allow children to die such horrific deaths?” In fact, the idea of suffering, pain, and death is one of the main “tools” in the belts of atheists trying to disprove God. Continue reading “Speaking What We Don’t Understand”

“If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.” – C.S. Lewis

What Motivates Us?

I used to be much more serious about my workout routine and especially my nutrition program. I even shared what I had learned with those who wanted to live healthier lifestyles. Though I stopped short of receiving my strength and conditioning certification, I was always quick to offer my “expertise” to those who were simply confused by all the workout fads and diets that were popular at the moment. Before I started someone on a program, I would usually ask “Why?” Continue reading “What Motivates Us?”


“For I proclaim the name of the Lord: Ascribe greatness to our God. He is the Rock, His work is perfect; For all His ways are justice, a God of truth and without injustice; Righteous and upright is He” (Deuteronomy 32:3, 4).

It is a mistake to consider God’s love without considering His justice. In fact, of all the attributes of God, His just nature is likely the most overlooked. This is because when justice is on the table, so must we consider punishment, and that is a subject nobody is comfortable discussing. Continue reading “Justice”


In this life here on earth, there will always be good things and better things, simple and difficult circumstances, hard and harder difficulties. If life stood still, then perhaps complacency would be an attractive virtue. But our reality is a life of constant change and we must constantly adapt if we are to survive. Continue reading “Growth”

“If you believe, [in God], your belief will kill your sinning, or else your sinning will kill your believing! The greatest argument against the Bible is an unholy life – and when a man will give that up, he will convict himself.” – Charles H Spurgeon


We, as human beings, have something unique about us. There is a ceaseless need in every one of us for something more. We develop imaginary friends. We daydream constantly. We investigate the mysterious and unexplainable. We dream and set goals, and when we reach those goals, we set new ones. There’s always something “extra” that we involve ourselves in Continue reading “Searching”